Friday, September 21, 2007

Chubby little bubby

The baby kindly agreed to do a little modelling of my screenprinted onsies, most obliging, especially when he has only really just got the hang of sitting up on those chubby little pins.

The Money Shot

Having peacocks for pets is a good thing and a bad thing. They are extremely easy to look after, because, well they basically look after themselves, they fly up into a tree to sleep (no house required), scratch around for food and eat the kitchen scraps. But they do feel free to poop wherever they fancy and eat lots of my favourite plants in the garden.

Overall I like them, I can plop the baby in the window and he watchs them contently for ages and well they are a nice wandering decoration for the grounds. Especially when Big George shakes his tail feathers. This is the first time this season I have managed to catch a snap.

And best of all in a few months his tail will moult and the kids and their friends can run around looking for all the feathers.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

How could you possibly eat them?

Spring and lambs how perfectly they speak of each other... so many poems, paintings and idylls of the countryside feature this double whammy combo of loveliness.

We took a wonderful trip to our friends farm in the country today to breathe in the cuteness of a pen of orphan lambs, give them a bottle and take a ride in the back of the ute.

And really what is better than to run free with a troupe of week-old lambsie's chasing your tails.

... and then pass out in the car for the long ride home...

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